ॐ वृषभं चर्षणीनां विश्वरूपमदाभ्यम्। बृहस्पतिं वरेण्यम्॥
om vṛṣabhaṁ carṣaṇīnāṁ viśvarūpamadābhyam| bṛhaspatiṁ vareṇyam||

Ras is a part of the 500 year old Vedic Tradition of Śrī Achyutānanda Dasa, a spiritual astrological lineage from Puri, Odisha.

She is fortunate to have completed the 5 year Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course under the guidance of Pandit Sanjay Rath and Smt. Lakshmi Ramesh. 

She is studying advanced Jyotish through the Jaimini Scholar Program and the Mantra Śāstra Program offered through the Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center. Her esteemed teachers include Smt. Sarbani Rath, and Sh. Visti Larsen. 

Traditional Vedic Astrology & Spirituality

Unleash the cosmic energy within you. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Vedic Astrology & Spirituality. Your destiny awaits.